Frequently Asked Questions

We’re happy to assist you with any questions you have about our products. You can call us at 517-244-0994 or use our convenient contact form.

The Blue Streak Chemical freezes, but not at 32 degrees, it’s closer to 0 degrees and because everything is plastic there is no freeze damage.

So as the season comes to a close we suggest to run the fluid low in the reservoir and winterize your coach like you normally would.

We have never had a freeze problem.

We know many of you are very loyal to your local RV dealer and you trust them for your RV add-on products and installations. If your local RV dealer is not currently carrying our products, just send us an email or call us and we will contact YOUR local dealer to offer him our Blue Streak Dispenser Kit and Blue Streak Chemical.

Blue Streak Chemical does break down the solids. The detergent in the chemical breaks down the grease and the grease is the cement that holds the solids together.

If you carefully read and follow the instructions that come with the unit you should have no problem. If assistance is needed, our company phone number is listed on your invoice and on our site.

YES! We now have a Canadian Blue Streak Dealers . This will make it much easier for our Canadian friends to purchase the automatic chemical dispenser and Blue Streak Chemical in Canada.

We only recommend the Blue Streak Chemical to be used with the dispenser. It has been tested to be safe and effective.

Blue Streak Chemical

  1. Is non-formaldehyde (legal in all states)
  2. Non-Staining dye (water soluble)
  3. Baby powder fragrance (keeps bathroom smelling fresh)
  4. With detergent (helps to keep the stool and tank clean)
  5. Can be ordered by phone or online (shipped directly to you)
  6. Check our dealer list for one near you (adding new all the time)